Ivanka Trump nuevamente vuelve a estar en el medio de la polémica luego de que después de un prolongado silencio sobre la inhumana política migratoria de Donald Trump, decidiera romper su silencio esta vez para celebrar a su padre.
Sus palabras se dieron luego de que una ola internacional de protestas en contra de la política de separación de familias en la frontera sur obligara políticamente al presidente Trump a firmar una orden ejecutiva que de inmediato anula esa política.
Bajo la nueva orden de Trump, las familias inmigrantes detenidas en la frontera permanecerán juntas mientras estén en custodia.
No tardo muchó para que Ivanka Trump se volcara a las redes a felicitar a su padre por lo que llama su gran acción para manejar este sensible tema. De inmediato las redes estallaron en su contra.
Ivanka Trump
Thank you @POTUS for taking critical action ending family separation at our border. Congress must now act + find a lasting solution that is consistent with our shared values;the same values that so many come here seeking as they endeavor to create a better life for their families
15:28 - 20 jun. 2018
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Este tuit bastó para que el fuego y la furia de Twitter cayeran sin piedad sobre Ivanka.
Robert Maguire
After days of radio silence, a senior White House official whose portfolio includes family issues breaks her silence to thank the president for ending a crisis he created (family separation) and initiating another one (detaining families together, indefinitely)
Ivanka Trump
Thank you @POTUS for taking critical action ending family separation at our border. Congress must now act + find a lasting solution that is consistent with our shared values;the same values that so many come here seeking as they endeavor to create a better life for their families
15:43 - 20 jun. 2018
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Dan Pfeiffer
Ivanka Trump
Thank you @POTUS for taking critical action ending family separation at our border. Congress must now act + find a lasting solution that is consistent with our shared values;the same values that so many come here seeking as they endeavor to create a better life for their families
15:52 - 20 jun. 2018
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Kathy Griffin
Like I said....@iamsambee was too kind. You awful, awful woman.
Ivanka Trump
Thank you @POTUS for taking critical action ending family separation at our border. Congress must now act + find a lasting solution that is consistent with our shared values;the same values that so many come here seeking as they endeavor to create a better life for their families
15:44 - 20 jun. 2018
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Josh Sternberg
This is...delusional.
Ivanka Trump
Thank you @POTUS for taking critical action ending family separation at our border. Congress must now act + find a lasting solution that is consistent with our shared values;the same values that so many come here seeking as they endeavor to create a better life for their families
Fuente: La Opinión.com